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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019

Your favourite piece of technology

Just when we talk about technology it happened that today I went to see an exhibition of nikola tesla, the genius known for contributing to the modern conception of the alternating current electrical power supply system, wow! without that it could not function as technology. Lately what I have called the attention has not been technology, but analog, I've been testing and taking pictures similar to a camera that gave me the years 80, well but if we have to talk about technology I would say that the cell phone would be elected, to facilities many facilities and things that I use but in a device such as taking pictures and also editing them, listening to music, looking up information that interests me or I doubt, apart from that it is practical and you can carry it to all parts. the cell that I have what I received in October of the year that step.

a little bit of how I came to design

when I was little I dreamed of being a dancer of any thing that only thought about dancing; being a stylist or be related to fashion, looked as it was characterized each person, the aesthetics that today I understand that call, as well as a teacher or mom (who doesn't when small was playing that), over the years had other interests until leaving the school I thought to study nursing or something in the area of science, but I go by my tastes old so they do not enter the study immediately going on a year, then between to design with the idea to learn more in this area because I'm wanting to focus on the costume design and clothing, so that in this university I will give a step by acquiring prior knowledge but not all that I hope.